
A Vision for Catgrad

I’ve just released version catgrad 0.2.0, a “categorical compiler for deep learning”. This blog post is a little overview of where catgrad is now, and where it’s going.

tl;dr: ultimately, I want catgrad to be a general purpose “differentiable categorical array programming language” usable for not only AI/ML, but also general purpose GPU programming. It should be easier to write simulation code that runs on the GPU and is directly rendered; imagine a voxel game with LLM agents whose inference is done in a compute shader!

What catgrad is now

Right now, catgrad is a deep learning framework (like pytorch and tinygrad) with a novel twist: models are compiled into their reverse passes. Here’s an excerpt from catgrad’s README explaining what that means.

Here is a linear model in catgrad:

model = layers.linear(BATCH_TYPE, INPUT_TYPE, OUTPUT_TYPE)

catgrad can compile this model…

CompiledModel, _, _ = compile_model(model, layers.sgd(learning_rate), layers.mse)

… into static code like this…

class CompiledModel:
    backend: ArrayBackend

    def predict(self, x1, x0):
        x2 = x0 @ x1
        return [x2]

    def step(self, x0, x1, x9):
        x4, x10 = (x0, x0)
        x11, x12 = (x1, x1)
        x16 = self.backend.constant(0.0001, Dtype.float32)
        # ... snip ...
        x18 = x17 * x5
        x2 = x10 - x18
        return [x2]

… so you can train your model by just iterating step; no autograd needed:

    for i in range(0, NUM_ITER):
        p = step(p, x, y)

The 0.2.0 release of catgrad includes just enough features to build a GPT model, but catgrad is still in the early stages. The rest of this post explains a bit about how catgrad works, its philosophy, and a vision of where it’s going.

A Differentiable Categorical Array Programming Language

Eventually, Catgrad will be a (1) categorical (2) differentiable (3) array programming language. What does this mean? I’ll address these three parts one-by-one.

Catgrad is Categorical

Internally, catgrad compiler works as a “stack” of categories with functors between them. Currently, that stack of categories looks like this:

A “program” in catgrad is a morphism in a symmetric monoidal category. Currently, you build that morphism by tensor and composition of primitives in the category \(\mathscr{B}\) of “bidirectional programs”. Compiling a program (morphism) means applying a functor to map it into catgrad’s “core array language” \(\mathscr{C}\), and then down into a specific backend.

The core array language in version 0.2.0 is quite primitive - it’s a bit like a low-level, typed numpy. The main missing features are general reduction operations and a way to write custom kernels - I’m planning to fix this by adding another category to the stack which looks a bit like triton.

Catgrad is Differentiable

I just told you that programs in catgrad are morphisms. More concretely, catgrad represents each morphism as an open hypergraph. (For the category theorists, this means that a program in each layer of the stack is a morphism in the free symmetric monoidal category presented by some generating objects and operations.)

We use this graph-based datastructure instead of an AST for the following reasons:

  1. It’s data-parallel & runs on the GPU.
    • This means our compiler itself can be GPU-accelerated…
    • … but even on CPU it scales to very large programs …
    • … which we need to represent very large circuits for e.g., FPGA backends.
  2. It corresponds directly to mathematical definitions
  3. We can use the algorithm in Section 10 of this paper to differentiate programs.

The last of these reasons is (of course) most important for our initial use-case of machine learning. In a nutshell, this allows us to take a program \(p\) and produce a program \(R[p]\) which computes the gradients of \(p\). This matters because it means you can train a neural network without needing a framework at train-time. No more 5GB pytorch dependencies!

Catgrad is an array programming language:

This part’s aspirational. I already told you that catgrad version 0.2.0 catgrad is like a low-level, typed NumPy, but what’s it going to be like in the future? In short: a general purpose array programming language which is useful not just for AI / ML workloads, but also for general GPU / parallel programming. Some applications which I’d like catgrad to eventually support are:

  • Deep learning (obviously)
  • Graphics programming (imagine writing your compute and render pipelines in the in 50 lines of code instead of 5000 + a bunch of glue in C++)
  • DSP, FPGA, and embedded parallel programming

In general, the philosophy of catgrad is as follows:

  • Compiler-as-library: Instead of building a monolithic compiler, a library of compiler passes should be made available to the user
  • Foundations first: Design the language & compiler around sound mathematical foundations (i.e., category theory)
  • Data-parallel compilation: compilers should be fast! We should be able to compile code on the GPU!

Hellas, Catgrad, and You

I’m currently working at, where catgrad and open-hypergraphs are a big part of our stack.1 We’ll soon be hiring, so if this sounds like something you’d want to work on, email me at - start your subject line with “HIRING”.

  1. The most important way catgrad helps us is in circuitizing the training code for Zero-Knowledge ML training.↩︎