- 1000 Days of Duolingo 2024-07-11
- A Vision for Catgrad 2024-04-09
- Polycirc: Differentiable arithmetic circuits for ZKML 2023-05-16
- Announcing Yarrow 2023-05-16
- A Wikihole: The Other Taj Mahal, Louis Pasteur, and Maternal Mortality 2023-04-13
- Learn to PID the Cart-Pole in the OpenAI Gym 2022-12-08
- What does 'unique up to isomorphism' really mean? 2019-04-25
- Solving a Puzzle by Proving it Solvable 2017-12-08
- A Mental Trick for Checking Primeness of Two-Digit Numbers 2017-09-17
- Intuitive Odds; or: The Expectation of Fairness 2017-01-02
- Haskell and Servant on Scaleway ARM servers 2015-11-29
- Nobody Expects Command Execution: A Tribute 2015-09-25
- FMFMFMF: Free Monads For Making Fast Models, Functionally. 2015-09-13
- The Obfuscated Fibonacci; or, a Curious Connection in Computation 2015-02-10
- Church Booleans in Haskell (and Morte!) 2014-09-23
- Practical Machines in 60 Seconds 2014-09-02
- My first quine 2013-08-26
- Overloading record fields with lens 2013-02-19
- Haskell's strength: generalising with lenses 2013-01-26
- Hackage-Fu 2012-11-15
- Setting up a Scala environment on Arch Linux 2012-11-09
- Per-user package installation with NPM on Linux 2012-11-06
- On the List Monad 2012-08-12