On the List Monad
This post is a short demonstration of both the List monad, and an explanation of some of the monadic functions in the Prelude and Control.Monad libraries. It assumes you have some knowledge of Monads in a Haskell context, but are not entirely comfortable yet.
Our guiding example is to find the moore neighbourhood of a cell on a 2D grid, which is defined as the cell itself, plus the eight cells surrounding it.
We’re going to assume our grid is two-dimensional. We’ll extend this later.
Our 2D moore function should take a single 2D point and return a list of points.
Given the coordinate (0, 0)
we expect our function to give us the following
list of 9 coordinates:
[(-1,-1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1), (0, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1), (1, -1), (1, 0), (1, 1)]
We know, then, that our function should have the following type signature:
moore2D :: Num a => (a, a) -> [(a, a)]
Our algorithm will be a simple translation of the moore neighborhood around the
origin. Given a target coordinate, c
- Generate the moore neighbourhood of
(0, 0)
- Add our
to each point in this neighbourhood
So first we need to generate those offsets. The one-dimensional case is very easy, and we’ll just write it out:
= [-1, 0, 1] offsets1D
This is our x dimension, and it corresponds to the cells W, C, and E in the diagram above.
2D is a little harder. Our approach:
- For each cell in the 1D case, for example W
- Generate 3 new 2D coordinates, one for each 1D offset in the y dimension,
[(w, -1), (w, 0), (w, 1)]
. - Combine the results
So our first, rather ugly, attempt, ends up looking a lot like the following.
Note that we could have written concatMap
instead of concat $ map
= concat $ map (\x -> map (\y -> (x, y)) offsets1D) offsets1D offsets2D'
We can write this a lot more neatly with a list comprehension:
= [ (x, y) | x <- offsets1D, y <- offsets1D ] offsets2Dlist
Interlude: The List Monad as modelling nondeterminism
A quick detour now onto a certain way of thinking about the List Monad. You may have come across the notion of Monads being a context for a certain type- this fits the List-as-nondeterminism monad quite well. Consider a List as encapsulating all possible values for a nondeterministic function_, rather than just the normal single value. When composing these nondeterministic results, we expect to see an explosion in possible values.
For example, let’s take a coin toss, coin
, which returns either Heads or
Tails. When we take values from two independent flips, we end up with all
four possible outcomes.
data Coin = Heads | Tails
= [Heads, Tails]
= [ (x, y) | x <- flipCoin, y <- flipCoin ]
-- The results of running flipTwice:
-- [(Heads,Heads),(Heads,Tails),(Tails,Heads),(Tails,Tails)]
In fact, there’s a whole library based on this called “Probabilistic Functional Programming”. If you’re interested, you should check it out here.
It turns out, the list comprehension is just syntactic sugar for do-notation.
That means we can rewrite flipTwice
using do
= do
flipTwice <- flipCoin
x <- flipCoin
y return (x, y)
The takeaway from this little segue is that the List monad’s implementation of
the bind (>>=)
operator will evaluate the bound function for each of the
values in the list, and then concatenate the results into a new list.
If you haven’t already, you should definitely look at its implementation here.
Desugaring the List Comprehension
Back to the Moore neighborhood.
As we now know, the list comprehension syntax is actually just syntactic sugar for do-notation. That means we can translate it to this:
= f offsets1D offsets1D
offsets2Dmonadic where f m1 m2 = do
<- m1
x <- m2
y return (x, y)
Here we’ve created a helper function, f
, which takes two lists, m1
and m2
and then performs our “list comprehension”. Hang on, though! f
doesn’t use any
list-specific features- we’re treating it just like a monad- so m1
and m2
can be any monad, not just lists. That means its type is:
f :: Monad m => m a -> m b -> m (a, b)
Well, there’s already a function we can use to do this. It’s called liftM2, and
we almost implemented it exactly. It’s slightly more general, though. Instead
of creating a tuple from x and y, it applies a binary function passed as the
first argument. Here’s how it’s defined in Control.Monad
liftM2 :: (Monad m) => (a1 -> a2 -> r) -> m a1 -> m a2 -> m r
= do
liftM2 f m1 m2 <- m1
x1 <- m2
x2 return (f x1 x2)
So that means we can rewrite our whole function quite simply with liftM2:
= liftM2 (,) offsets1D offsets1D offsets2Dlift
Generalising to n-dimensions
Now, we want to make our function work in more than just two dimensions. All we have to do is repeat the step that made it work from 1 dimension to 2. Namely, for each coordinate in the 1D case, get all 2D coordinates with that x value. To get 3D, we take each coordinate in the 2D case, and return all 3D coordinates with those values for x and y. Simple!
All we need to do is keep repeating that step as long as we have dimensions to add to our resulting coordinates. First, though, let’s take a step back and look again at a slightly simplified monadic version of offsets2D. Note that we’re now using a list as our resulting coordinate.
= do
offsets2Dmonadic <- offsets1D
x <- offsets1D
y return (x:y:[])
We must note that this function desugars to the following:
= offsets1D >>= (\x -> offsets1D >>= (\y -> return (x:y:[]))) offsets2D'
Here we can start to see how to solve the problem. To get the 3D case from above
we can apply a liberal sprinkling of bind. In fact, what we really want is some
kind of fold using (>>=)
across a list of offsets1D.
So, for a 2-dimensional neighbourhood around zero, we want to start with the
1D, [[-1], [0], [1]]
, then explore all possibilities of y-coordinate for each.
Note that each 1D coordinate is wrapped in a list: that’s because the type of
each coordinate needs to remain the same as we fold- [-1]
is the same type as
[-1, 0]
We need a function that takes a value and adds it as a new dimension to a
coordinate. That’s pretty simple, it’s just the list constructor (:)
That means our function to fold over a list should look like this:
= do
foldee m m' <- m -- value of coordinate in new dimension
x <- m' -- value of rest of coordinate
xs return (x:xs) -- Return the new coordinate with extra dimension
Now we just have to fold it across the list! We add the first case of [[]]
that the fold with the first dimension gives us [[-1], [0], [1]]
. You might
think of [[]]
as being a deterministic result (just a single value) wrapped in
the nondeterminism monad. It’s an empty list because it’s zero-dimensional.
Cool, we can write the function to chain our monads together using the foldee
chainM :: Monad m => [m a] -> m [a]
= foldr foldee (return []) ms chainM ms
We can see this working if we run the following in GHCi:
Main> chainM [offsets1D, offsets1D]
-1,-1],[-1,0],[-1,1],[0,-1],[0,0],[0,1],[1,-1],[1,0],[1,1]] [[
And now it’s just a small step to get the n-dimensional function to generate
our offsets, by using replicate to generate a repeated list of offsets1D
= chainM $ replicate n offsets1D offsets' n
You’ll also see that we modified the base case in chainM
to be (return [])
instead of [[]]
. That allows our function to generalise to all monads again!
As you’ve probably guessed, this function already exists in the Prelude,
except instead of chainM
, it’s called sequence
. It’s implementation is
almost identical to what we wrote:
sequence :: Monad m => [m a] -> m [a]
sequence ms = foldr k (return []) ms
where k m m' = do { x <- m; xs <- m'; return (x:xs) }
But wait! There’s more! We’ve used the replicate
function to make a list of
repeated n
times, and then applied sequence to it. Thanks to the
generality of Monads, that function exists already too, and it’s called
. Here’s it’s definition:
replicateM :: (Monad m) => Int -> m a -> m [a]
= sequence (replicate n x) replicateM n x
So that means, at long last, we can define the function to generate the moore neighbourhood for the origin in n dimensions:
offsets :: Num a => Int -> [[a]]
= replicateM n [-1, 0, 1] offsets n
Translating of those coordinates to get the Moore neighbourhood of the point we’re actually after is pretty trivial, but i’ve included it for completeness:
moore :: Num a
=> [a] -- ^ target coordinate
-> [[a]] -- ^ List of points in its moore neighbourhood
= map (zipWith (+) xs) originOffsets
moore xs where n = length xs -- Find the number of dimensions in the coord
= replicateM n [-1, 0, 1] originOffsets
And we’re done!
Paul —